Thank you for taking time to consider us as the family for your sweet baby. We want you to know you are loved. You are seen. Even though we haven't met you yet, God has already placed you on our hearts. We want you to know that we are praying for you. Our prayer is that you would feel blessed, at peace, loved and comforted as you make your choice.
Adoption is very important to our family as our daughter, Grace, is adopted. We have seen what an amazing plan God had for Grace each day in our lives. We love to see her learn and explore. We find great joy in giving her opportunities to experience life. We hope to provide you support as you walk down this road as we have been here before and we will be there for you.
John is a middle school math and science teacher. Erica works with babies and children as an occupational therapist, part-time. When we are working, Grace gets to spend time with her grandmas and grandpas who adore her. We love to spend time together going for walks to the park, going to the zoo and spending time at the lake.
We are so excited to add to our family again through adoption. We feel like we have a lot of love to share and desire to share it with all our children. We are looking forward to seeing how Grace and her sibling develop a deep and lasting bond. We promise to provide a safe, supportive and loving home. We can't wait to shower all of our children with unconditional love and nurture them as they explore who God carefully crafted them to be.
May you feel His perfect love and peace as you make this very important decision.
With love, respect and gratitude,
John, Erica and Grace